Great Pyramid Footprint
                                   James D. Branson
                      © 2005-2009 Copyrighted by J D Branson. All Rights Reserved

This paper presents analytical models to strongly conclude the following:

  1. The Great Pyramid was not designed to be square with all 90 degree corners and the construction simply missed the design by a small amount.  It appears the NW corner was in fact designed to be 90 degrees and it was constructed so close that surveys are not really sure whether it is exact or the surveys are slightly in error.
  2. The Great Pyramid base had a very specific design and that design was executed with great precision in the construction stage of the process.  There is abundant evidence provided herein that the entire base was constructed with the same amount of precision as the NW corner.
  3. Modern design and construction capabilities have never equaled the Great Pyramid as described in this analytic model to my knowledge.
  4. This Year Model seems to indicate that the Great Pyramid design criteria may use the changes in earth orbital characteristics from precession to establish dates in the past and perhaps into the future for either significant events or time periods as the solar system revolves around the Galactic Core. This Year Model opens up all sorts of venues for future research and new theories.

Does anybody think that the Great Pyramid was just haphazardly thrown together by camel jockeys or done without a plan?  I am sure that anyone who has visited the area is astounded with the still visible accomplishments today.  Archeologists seem to steadfastly hold onto the idea that these pyramids were tombs designed and built by Pharaohs with a primary desire to entomb them when life was through, even though no remains were ever found inside the pyramids.  But even if this was the case, it is still clear from analysis herein that a great deal of thought went into the design and construction of these structures. And while it is obvious to an engineer that the function of the Great Pyramid is far beyond our understanding, the message built into the design layout may have been particularly designed for our consumption.

The readers need to ask of themselves, “How did the lengths of sides visualized by the designer get transferred to stones on the ground?”  Did they have long ropes or vines? Seven hundred fifty feet is a fairly long rope.  Did they use short lengths and simply put them end to end?  Can you achieve precision doing it that way?  Even in surveys in the 20th century, steel chains are not of that length so they must be added to at least some degree.  The coefficient of expansion of steel in the hot desert or contraction in the cold evenings can change the length dozens of millimeters when trying to achieve precise measurements and certain precautions must be taken by engineers to minimize these influences.

So why would somebody bother to even survey the structures at all?  It has been done many times by different people so there must be something about the structures that attracts detailed investigations by technical people. Maybe people just have a gut feeling that there is something more than meets the eye there. Or…perhaps a very simple explanation.

One of the most widely respected surveys of the exterior of the Great Pyramid was performed by a British surveyor named H. Cole in the 1925 era.  He provides the dimensions of the sides of the base to the nearest millimeter and even suggests how much error is possible in each of those numbers.  He goes on to detail the precise difference in the angles from true 90 degree corners.  The world has long marveled at how precisely close to 90 degrees this construction was and how marvelous these ancients could echo our modern technologies, as if our modern methods are really anything to write home about. 

This paper will show that the base of the structure is more precise than most investigators can even imagine and far more precise than we typically perform in modern construction.  The typical investigator simply does not have sufficient construction experience to appreciate the accomplishments.  It seems curious to me that nobody, including myself before now, has put the numbers into an accurate drawing and analyzed them as is done below. One could not expect Cole to have done much in 1925 because the equipment of the times was very limited. The simple mathematics of huge precision just would not have been done.  The manipulation of precise powers of logarithmic bases would have been a major chore and the chance for error so high that few would have confidence to even get started.

Just using a few of the Cole numbers, the north edge is laid into this first stage precise drawing at 230253 mms and at a difference from due east to west of .04166666 degrees.  The west edge is likewise laid in at 230357 mms and at a difference from due north to south of .4111111 degrees, just as Cole suggests.  The east and south sides, however in this first drawing, are simply the intersection of arcs at the lengths given by Cole of 230391 mms and 230454 mms respectively.  Now we can check the lineal type of information against the remaining survey data and see if they all mesh with any precision.  This is something engineers do typically to see if the data fit together in the manner suggested by the survey. If the lengths do not match up with the angles, then there is obviously an error in one or both of the data streams.

In the graphic below (1.0) one can compare the Cole measured angles shown in colored text along with the dimensioned angles that result when the lengths are used to determine the layout.  He explains the relative errors that he thought could occur and his suggested error analysis is a much greater percent than this analysis indicates actually happened.  Since he measured both the lengths and the angles, whatever surveying error did occur is largely attributable to the fact that he was measuring “suggested casing stones” that were generally no longer in place (only five are remaining). One must conclude from the analysis herein that he did a very good job making the survey and calculating the angles.
The drawing uses the Cole Survey lengths and just the northwest azimuths to determine if they produce angles similar with the Cole Survey “measured angles” on the northeast, southwest and, southeast corners. The sum of the model angles is of course 360 degrees.  The Cole angles sum to 360.00111111 or 4 seconds too much.
The largest deviation is at the SE corner where he indicates the angle measured was 89.94083333 and his lengths make it be 89.9421377, a difference of just under 5 seconds.  If we divide 89.9421377 by 89.94083333, it suggests a surveying error of .00145 percent. I believe this represents a top notch surveying effort for the times and equipment and I suspect we could not do better today because there is likely more error in “finding the measuring point” than these small amounts. This, however, does provide solid indication that the Cole Survey could easily be off by up to five seconds and that is more than the 2 seconds he thought the NW corner might be out of square.
When I found that the product of the diagonals in this drawing was nearly exactly the double of the area (expected in exact squares but not in skewed rectangles nor quadrangular shapes) it seemed possible that the layout may have been very accurately planned and executed with extreme precision.  If this is thought to be remotely true, the question then arose as to how to see if there was some way to find the design criteria no matter how complex or intricate.  Nobody credibly thinks that the layout was haphazard or random.  So how did the builders decide what lengths and angles to use? If they couldn’t measure precisely and couldn’t place the blocks precisely, how might they end up precise? But we know they placed 12-ton blocks together precise enough that the seams were almost impenetrable with thin steel feeler gauges. This is a strong hint that precision did in fact exist at the time of construction. Even in modern times it is far more difficult to get two large flat surfaces together than most people are able to appreciate.
In building log cabins, the next log was set atop the previous and then a cross-cut saw with the teeth turned out a little was run between them leaving the two surfaces pretty near parallel and when taken off the blocks, fit quite precisely. We can envision in modern times holding the new block with a crane and sawing between them similarly and then they fit together. There are a whole bunch of reasons why this technique won’t work on large rocks nor easy methods to let loose of the new rock.
If one wants to know how several numbers such as the sides of the pyramid may have come into existence by human design, then one must mimic human typical activities.  There are really a limited number of ways the numbers might easily come into existence as design criterion, and not the result of errors. In this case, dozens of mathematical discovery methods were employed and only one was successful.  It was discovered that the ratios of one side to another are somewhat easily converted to powers of each other.  The approach was to put the lengths in a spread sheet and check ratios. It was discovered that three of the sides were very nearly equal to the powers of the north side using 2, 3/2 and 1 as exponents.
The Year Model
In the following mathematical model, the reader should look at the first three equations first as a group.  These are simply dimensionless ratios so that any measurements of the sides using any units would result in the same exponent. One doesn’t need Pyramid Inches or units of bat wings or hog’s hooves. And any inaccuracies in measurement of a single side can be made more accurate by combining it with inaccuracies in the other number which may be off in the same direction.  For example, errors due to expansion of the measuring device would be reduced by placing the results in a dimensionless ratio such as these.  When you think about it, someone wanting the world to discover their efforts would have to use dimensionless ratios.
Please note that the only change from one to the other is the exponents of 2, 3/2 and 1.  If the numbers were random or accidental, this exponential relationship should not exist. The first number 3.15570 hits the standardization number 3.15569 to six digits, a dream come true to any mathematician trying to find a relationship.  All three hit to the fifth digit. There is a good reason to be explained later why they don’t hit exactly.
Using exactly the same basic formula, the ratios produce the same result 3.1557xxx which is totally remarkable by any standard.  In processing analysis, if we hit this precisely we would be in hog heaven. The fact that it is the initial digits of a hugely important number like 31,556,925.97 seconds in the earth’s orbit in the year 1900 AD, set as standard for the definition of the second in the 1950 era.
The fourth equation hits the annual orbital time to five digits at 3.1556 and sets up the trial assumption for finding a mathematical model. If we use this equation to define the north boundary length, it has 5 digits of precision already built into it. Since it divides the north boundary in millimeters by 25.4 (conversion to inches) then we might be alerted to solutions that might pop up in inches. So we will make the model input trial such that north uses the precise earth obital time is 3.1556926 and the north side becomes 230252.0625 millimeters.
In order to convert the base number to something more easily recognized by the general public, we will divide by the decimal shift of 86,400 seconds in a day and result in 365.24xxxxx type numbers. We can use a resource such as the Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac as reflected above and find yearly time periods such as the tropical and anomalistic years which I have simply selected because they produce results below that one can see by observation.  Later other combinations of yearly periods may provide additional results.
Similarly we calculate the north side labeled b8 in the detail calculations for The Year Model below.  One must note that the terminology is log for the logarithm to base 10 versus ln for natural logarithms used above in the discovery equations.  The use of logarithms will drive a lot of academics nuts who don’t feel the Egyptians even knew logarithms.  But they did do “summations of fractions” which have a very similar look and feel to logarithms. It is a little like trigonometry.  People argue that there was no sign of trigonometry yet the ratios of right triangle legs are used repeatedly in Sumerian tablets like the Plimpton322 and all over the earth. It doesn’t take knowledge of trigonometry to divide one leg of a triangle by the other.  I think they just skipped the step we call trigonometry and went from “ratios of fractions” to triangles and there was no need for “thinking in angles”. And not everybody needed to understand the plan for it was far too complex for the average person of the times and even now for the average layman in modern times. Consider what percent of the population actually know the difference between logarithms to the base 10 or to the  base e=2.71828?
The Year Model will use two annual periods from the Astronomical Almanac.  In the graphic 3.0 below, the first two relationships and the fourth one listed therein, use the tropical year for the results.  The third equation develops the south side alone and uses the anomalistic year (perihelion to perihelion, or maximum to maximum). It seems appropriate that the longest length of the pyramid on the south side might use the longest measure of the earth year.
This is just a trial and the reader will need to understand that we only can accept these particular assumptions if other checksum results provide confidence these assumptions are justified.
One can see in The Year Model Detail Calculations 3.0 below that the north side (230252.06XX versus Cole = 230253) and the west side in the center column are less than one millimeter different from the Cole Survey numbers on the far right and each use the tropical year which is again the definition of the second of time.  Only the south side (d8) is calculated using the anomalistic year. If we were attempting to describe some complex chemical process, it would not matter whether this has any scientific basis….it simply produces very good results. Note in the yellow highlight that the 4th equation above is simple turned around to solve for the length of the north side and it yields 230252.0625.
The maximum deviation of The Year Model with the Cole lengths is less than 2 millimeters. In comparison the other three are almost exact. The circumference of The Year Model is just 0.07 millimeter greater than the sum of the Cole numbers. Just imagine how incredibly difficult it would be to set 12 ton rocks to that sort of precision, if The Year Model is sustained.  One must keep in mind the total perimeter is nearly a million millimeters around the base of the pyramid. That is not something we would attempt today no matter how many cranes and computers one may be able to employ. As an experienced project engineer and manager of multi-million dollar projects, I simply would not agree to even attempt such a project without a direct pipeline to Fort Knox. What could possibly be so important to the builders to create something so precise and mathematically beautiful no matter who may have built it?
Let’s back up and summarize what has been given up to here in this analysis.  We developed the north length based on nothing but the defining tropical year of 1900 AD and it “happens to use logarithms to obtain the Cole Number” but nothing says it had to be inches in the beginning or even use logarithms.  Two of the three remaining sides also use the tropical year as a ratio of the north side.  The south side uses the anomalistic year as a ratio of the north side too.  Nothing in these assumptions says the design used inches in the beginning.  We use apparent inches only to hit the Cole numbers which were done in millimeters and make it easier for the reader to remain mostly in our modern mental process.  This is just a way to choose a very precise trial estimate.
What are we to think about how close The Year Model numbers are to the Cole numbers?  If I had also done the Cole Survey and generated the survey numbers everyone would be calling foul that it was likely fudged or something.  Even if the builders could have designed and executed the construction with precision, it seems hard to believe that Cole could have even surveyed it and come out this close considering most of the outside casing blocks were removed centuries ago and he was relying on his interpretation of the corner socket marks.  By this analysis, his assumptions may have been more accurate than even he believed in the final report. Cole would not have reported the numbers to the nearest millimeter if he had not believed that it could just be possible that the pyramid was built with that type of accuracy. Many people seem to have this type of feeling when doing research of the Giza Complex. Certainly the models in other areas of the pyramid indicate exceptional precision.
If this trial Year Model is going to gain respect in the academic community, there will need to be a revelation of major brilliance that is overwhelmingly convincing.  What could even be contemplated in that regard?  If we assume that the design basis may have been developed by a mind similar to a savant, then we should expect a serious type of puzzle to unfold.  And it seems like it would have to be based upon dimensionless constants at least initially.
At least in the modern era, it is relatively easy to try various things with great precision and therefore the discovery may not require too many trials.  It would be best if we could find things that seem to continue the Year Model’s basic concept.  And if we can offer proof of that, we need to find relationships that indicate why intelligence would use this type of system for their design criterion.
The following graphic The Year Model Secondary Calculations 4.0 is provided for only the most inquisitive reader and one who is mathematically proficient.  If you don’t fall into those categories, just skim over it and rely on others to find any errors or omissions. It is just like the graphics above but uses the Astronomical Almanac data to further calculate Year Model Secondary values for diagonals and areas. It expands the simple model with the law of sines and cosines from ninth grade trigonometry and algebra.  The original builder design did not need these tools and they are used here simply to communicate with the reader in modern day experience.
The following graphic Dimensionless Ratios 5.0 gets at the central issue of the confirmation of the design criterion.  These dimensionless ratios using widespread secondary results capture the essence of a major communications effort by the design and building of the Great Pyramid.  All these calculations result from the initial single assumption that the north side is measured in units that are a simple function of the tropical year.  The units don’t really play a role in these ratios. If one removes the square root of ten, 86400 and 10^7 then it simply says all kinds of ratios are equal to each other. The fact that they all can be converted to a year-like number is a secondary benefit towards convincing the reader of “design intent”.
One can see that the dimensionless ratios come up with very similar results comparatively using five different methods but in a sense very similar in format.  Note that the diagonal ratio seems to point to the other two area ratios with the same result of 365.248.  The term areanorth and areaeast are above one diagonal and areawest and areasouth are below the same diagonal.  The area ratios are squared terms and the diagonal ratio is a fourth power.  Just as if one was trying to keep it all dimensionless. This demonstrates the versatility of the potential design and something that one would not expect in numbers resulting from errors and accidents.
There is no chance to fudge the numbers since the original input into the Year Model come from the Supplemental to the Astronomical Almanac.  There is nothing to manipulate with a computer program or fancy graphics.  Essentially, we start with a year-like number and perform geometry upon it and end up with a year-like number to demonstrate it was intentional. What could be more simple and eloquent?
It seems possible that the pyramid not only does something physical but may use the systematic precision to do something spiritually. It seems the precision is higher than required if the acoustical and electromagnetic wave functions actually perform some complex process. Then I realized that the designers would probably not know just when our modern civilization would awaken enough to be able to analyze this construction.  If they guessed to the nearest thousand years, it would still provide the results above.  But why pick 365.247XX instead of say a projection of our modern number of 365.242XXX?
Then I remembered that the earth orbital period is constantly changing a little amount every thousand years or so.  What if this number 365.247XX was the tropical year many millennia in the past?  If I went back and substituted astronomical data from years far in the past into the same basic Year Model and these ratios then became the same number reflected in the dimensionless ratios above, then that might be the message the designers intended to send. It could be as simple as reflecting when the pyramid was designed or the pyramid design basis or even some significant time event they felt worthy of calling attention to.
The reader with astronomical training can use their own means to find the tropical and anomalistic year for periods in the past.  I used the JPL program available online but somewhat complicated and easy to make an error.  There is also a website that provides a spreadsheet calculator to do much of the same and I used that to check my original data.  It really doesn’t matter if the date in the past is -71,000 or tens of thousands of years different.  It is the order of magnitude that is of primary interest.  This is, however, about the time it is widely thought that the last ice age began and it is also when a major earthquake happened in the Pacific.  But there is still a lot of room to search for why the Great Pyramid designers would put this type of communication potential together. I suspect it is only the beginning of a very long academic journey for us.
It simply could be a central message that is developed further with the details inside the Great Pyramid.  There are thousands of numbers inside that likely have connecting meaning.  This Year Model simply uses the four sides of the base of the pyramid as surveyed by Cole.
In the chart below one can see that the year -71000 was used to develop the tropical and anomalistic year.  These two numbers were then substituted into the identical equations from above and revised Year Model numbers developed to compare with Cole and also for new ratios further below. 
The Dimensionless Ratios 7.0 above is the same diagram as the prior 5.0 but simply substitutes the year values into The Year Model from -71000.  The idea is to see if when one uses “input years from -71000” do these “output dimensionless ratios” become more closely equal to the input and they in fact do.  In mathematics this is called convergence.  This step indicates that the design is much more likely to have been deliberate and follows the “puzzle mentality” of the designing intelligence.
In case the reader is still not convinced that these dimensionless ratios cannot be just accidents, one can check below using a parallel in perimeters (perinorth = perimeter of north triangle) instead of areas for the same four triangles.  Note the top left is the very similar 365.246XXX. The others are shown primarily to demonstrate that they exist and that they don’t change very much with time like the areas did above. 
One should definitely not expect these ratios to occur accidentally.  The bottom three are again dimensionless ratios but the first one is not.  It is becoming quite apparent that the design was purposefully set to have a huge amount of “discovery curiosity opportunities”.  For someone investigating the Great Pyramid Footprint dimensions, there is a high probability that curiosity would be piqued or tweaked.
In almost an attempt to “make this system fail” one might attempt to combine the dimensionless ratios from the areas with those of the perimeters as is done below.(area/perimeter squared is dimensionless)   Here I have left out the conversion back to a year type number and just concentrated on showing how they compare with each other.  One can see that the base area numbers seldom agree to more than three digits yet the combined ratios are identical to six and seven digits.
If the Great Pyramid had been intended to be square and at 90 degree corners throughout, but was made slightly inaccurately as many contend, then there ought to be only rare cases where these dimensionless ratios are so consistently equal and related back to other earth years.  Who would even think before reading this paper that such a simple in appearance base footprint for the Great Pyramid could possibly relate to earth years via dimensions, areas and perimeters?
Here is what I believe is shown by the number systems above.  The designer has a mental attitude most commonly associated in modern times with a savant.  There is simply beauty in the putting together a number system whereby all sorts of curious dimensionless relationships are developed.  And these relationships are quite easily related back to the earth year which would be knowledge that many investigators would have at their fingertips.  In other words, the design’s primary purpose is to catch the attention of people who are studying the Great Pyramid with precision measurements. Once the captivating numerical fullness of such a simple geometric figure is realized, then the investigator is locked into a frenzy to find more and more similar puzzle solutions. Of course, this process is just communications, not functionality.
It is the shape of the area that is the ultimate conveyor of information.  The shapes of the triangles are controlled in entirety by the 90 degree northwest corner and the exponential relationships of the west, south and east sides relative to the north side.  That is the whole essence of The Year Model.  At least a dozen dimensionless ratios result from these simple assumptions and have been posted herein.  There are probably at least another dozen yet to be fully explored.
What about the issue of precision?  How could it be possible to be this precise without the use of modern day laser measuring equipment?  How can one even make a straight-line for 750 feet?  How can one make a perfect 90 degree angle? In fact, it is much easier to make an angle perfectly 90 degrees than it is to make one slightly off 90 degrees. Anybody with a rope longer than half the length of a given line can strike arcs from each end and the point of intersection is perfectly perpendicular to the initial line. The north and west boundaries were the easiest to design.
How could one measure the distances with precision?  Do you really need to measure anything to have precision?  All sides are a simple relationship with the north side.  If we have something like a wire that is the length of the north side, the other three sides are easily calculated increments of much more manageable lengths.  But just like we face in modern times, if we want a calculated length, we need to know the length of something else so we can make the distance a multiple of the known length.  This is the same loop of uncertainty we experience in the field of measuring today.  As in the Heisenberg Law of Uncertainty, nothing can really be measured without knowing the measurement of something else, such as our standard units.  In modern times we are gradually moving away from carefully stored iridium standard bars to definitions based upon the wavelengths of certain isotopes.  This will make everything dependent upon the speed of light and our definition of the second.  This makes The Year Model’s use of the definition of the second seem much more important.
Hipparchus is credited with being the first person “known to have dealt with earth’s precession” even though all of his actual writings are lost to us now.  We know about his work only through the writing of people like Ptolemy who referenced the early work from the second century BC.  Hipparchus’ work seems to reflect upon the importance of a tropical year being 365 + ¼ - 1/300 = 365.24667.  I am guessing most researchers figure he meant for that tropical year to be of his own era around 135 BC but maybe he actually was referencing something written about by others much earlier.  Note this value for the tropical year is amazingly close to the -71,000 tropical year (365.24667484) used to demonstrate The Year Model influence via time.
We must keep in mind that we are only talking about the basic dimensions of the base of the Great Pyramid.  There are so many more dimensional characteristics involved inside and from pyramid to pyramid.  Just think if four little dimensions can be intertwined so completely, what about everything else.  And the total capabilities of these four dimensions have much to be explored simply by changing the type of year and the period of time represented by the years. Other models inside the Great Pyramid confirm that the entire structure is built with near infinite precision.
The Year Model sets the background for essentially completing the entire outside of the Great Pyramid. One can just reduce the north side length as you move up the pyramid and have solutions for each elevation.  The model at different levels could be altered to account for the concave action but of course this has no impact on the socket marks on the bottom which were used in the Cole Survey.
We are now no longer married to the Great Pyramid and requiring ever increasing surveys with greater precision.  This model is now purely academic and can be floated with variables in a computer program and perhaps something fundamental about the earth orbital mechanics will be discovered.  Perhaps we will be able to more fully decipher what the pyramid designers had in mind when they left us this splendid monument to all humankind.
For those who suggest there is not one shred of evidence that the pyramids were built with advanced knowhow, I suggest they dig into the analysis I have presented here and on other blogs and then raise all the technical issues they can.  This paper in no way suggests that the builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza were necessarily alien or of alien influence.  I do strongly suggest that the Giza Pyramids were designed by someone with outstanding intelligence and that intellectual thought was executed into the construction.  Certainly The Year Model solidly suggests a basis for the design and suggests the potential reason why such a basis might be employed for the communication to future investigators.
 This paper presents analytical models to strongly conclude the following:
  1. The Great Pyramid was not designed to be square with all 90 degree corners and the construction simply missed the design by a small amount.  It appears the NW corner was in fact designed to be 90 degrees and it was constructed so close that surveys are not really sure whether it is exact or the surveys are slightly in error.
  2. The Great Pyramid base had a very specific design and that design was executed with great precision in the construction stage of the process.  There is abundant evidence provided herein that the entire base was constructed with the same amount of precision as the NW corner.
  3. Modern design and construction capabilities have never equaled the Great Pyramid as described in this analytic model to my knowledge.
  4. This Year Model seems to indicate that the Great Pyramid design criteria may use the changes in earth orbital characteristics from precession to establish dates in the past and perhaps into the future for either significant events or time periods as the solar system revolves around the Galactic Core. This Year Model opens up all sorts of vistas for future research and new theories.
 J.D Branson is a retired engineering manager and computer programmer.
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